Astroshamanic Binary System
The Astroshamanic Binary System (ABS) comprises the 144 relationships between the Sun and Moon position in the 12 Sectors (dwadashamsha).
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
The Astroshamanic Binary System (by Franco Santoro)
Here I would like to deal a bit with Astroshamanic Binaries and what it
truly means to align with them.
Please be aware that what I am handling in
these writings is not conventional astrology in the way it is often shallowly
perceived. Astrology, together with other aspects of Western or Mediterranean shamanism and magic, is still
largely ridiculed, misunderstood or downplayed.
The current human predominant culture, which in astroshamanic jargon we call Human Arbitrary Configuration (HAC), is in fundamental denial of shamanic states of
consciousness and our true authentic self, or Core Multidimensional Identity (CMI).
HAC is also in denial of a most controversial part, which we strategically call the bona fide horny bit, i.e. the direct link
between our separated human identity with the Core Multidimensional Identity. Since the connection with that bit is essential for the survival of the Human Arbitrary Configuration itself, it is essential to guarantee exposure to
the bit without unveiling its
veritable nature.
The way in which shamanism has developed in the past decades
in the western world mainly serve this purpose. An example is the tendency of
holding in deep reverence and respect exotic forms of shamanism, while
despising or ignoring the applications that are part of our own personal or
collective immediate environment. This is a major contradiction for the basic
principle of shamanism involves having a direct, both pragmatic and visionary,
rapport with everyday reality. Such reality includes the beings, the resources,
the natural as well as the artificial or urban environment that surrounds us.
These are our disregarded authentic psychotropic substances, providing the
entire perception of our human realities.
Astroshamanism is an attempt to unveil this immediate web of
life and uncover its hidden psychoactive effect. In this context the ingestion
of hallucinatory substances far from being an exceptional event is part of our
daily routine. It happens while I am having breakfast, drinking coffee, eating
a bar of chocolate, smoking a cigarette, watching television, reading a book,
chatting in a pub, and doing most ordinary things. This does not mean that
assuming substances conventionally identified as psychotropic or hallucinatory
is not useful. Again it is a matter of Intent. If my purpose is to access the
core multi-dimensional identity I may get some benefit from them, as long as I
am then willing to uncover the profuse and unconscious psychotropic effects of
my daily routine, which are actually those who generate the reality I believe
to be in.
Binaries are the psychoactive matrixes of human separated
reality. They are the emanation point of all the ordinary and less ordinary substances
and devices that alter human mood, behaviour, perception, or mental
functioning. In advanced astroshamanism binaries are ingested as core
psychoactive essences.
Their intake is a vibratory experience occurring either
through natural voluntary exposure (when the condition of the binary are
spontaneously generated by the environment, for example: during the days of the
related Sun-Moon combination, by moving through a location that is aligned with
a given binary, etc.) or virtual voluntary exposure (when the binary is
purposefully selected by the recipient through the access to the Binary Net,
i.e. by binary positioning in the Sacred Circle, using binary drumming or
chanting, etc.). The above is just a strategic trigger. More will follow
experientially on this topic in upcoming workshops and events.
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
6.8 - Sun in Virgo and Moon in Scorpio
The Moon is in Scorpio from 18:46 GMT, 1 September 2011 to 21:03 GMT, 3 September 2011, marking the obscure transit of the Moon into the realm of deep emotional experiences, the crucial zone of the production, assimilation and release of grievances (Graha).
This is the combination 6.8, which is a blend of mutable Earth and fixed Water. Here the Virgo’s multi-dimensional intestine functions are at their peak. The most stagnant waste materials are retrieved and moved along the intestine through rhythmic dancing contractions of the intestinal muscles (peristalsis).
The pattern Sun in Virgo and Moon in Scorpio (6.8) mixes Virgo’s efficiency, purification, selection and service with Scorpio’s intensity, intimacy, passion, release and power.
This is part of the guidance I received related to 6.8:
"This is a space of major healing. It involves letting go darkness and receiving light. It is about shifting the attention from darkness to light. When darkness comes, that’s very well, for it shows that the material of exchange is available. At this stage all that is required it to exchange darkness with light, feeling totally entitled to do so. Remember that this exchange is your Function: what you are supposed to do here, your true mission in life. Then do it!"
Since 6.8 is my natal binary, for matters of Virgo objectivity, I am not going to comment further and I will refer to another source and quote from © Michael McClain 1996-2003.
This is part of the guidance I received related to 6.8:
"This is a space of major healing. It involves letting go darkness and receiving light. It is about shifting the attention from darkness to light. When darkness comes, that’s very well, for it shows that the material of exchange is available. At this stage all that is required it to exchange darkness with light, feeling totally entitled to do so. Remember that this exchange is your Function: what you are supposed to do here, your true mission in life. Then do it!"
Since 6.8 is my natal binary, for matters of Virgo objectivity, I am not going to comment further and I will refer to another source and quote from © Michael McClain 1996-2003.
“The combination of Sun in Virgo and Moon in Scorpio produces one that looks and acts like an intellectual, but with an emotional nature that is truly the driving force. This is perhaps the most emotional of the quiet Virgo breed. The quick mind and common sense that is so notable in all with Virgo Sun, is charged with an intense rashness and impulsiveness common to Scorpio. Your ability to reason and rationalize is well developed, but you often seem almost incapable of believing what is foreign to your internal emotional bias. Thus, you become very partisan in whatever causes or ideas light you fire. These you may rationalize and try to give intellectual status, but you usually color judgments with intuition rather than logic. You are facile at thinking up reasons why your ideas are right and always persuasive at putting them across. At times you appear near genius, and at other times, way off base. You are often to be found among the theoretical and radical thinkers, able to prove nearly anything on paper with diagrams to show how it should work. Whether it really will or not in real life may be another thing. Your intellectual powers are strong, but you're often less than realistic. You have a certain zeal that makes it hard for you to remain still and listen to what others have to say, and you can be dominating in your approach to group endeavours. Underneath, you have a somewhat brooding personality that is forever probing, turning over stones and delving for ideas with which you can either feel affinity or enmity. In business you are likely to be successful and valuable to your employer because you do possess powerful leadership qualities. In this environment you seem to become more objective and less emotional. Nonetheless, learning to restrain the natural tendencies of this configuration will make life and relationships much easier.”
© Franco Santoro, Cluny Hill College, Forres IV36 2RD, UK,
For music associated with Virgo click here
For movies associated with Virgo click here
For books associated with Virgo click here6.7 - Sun in Virgo and Moon in Libra
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Seal 6.7 |
The Moon is in Libra from 18:25 GMT, 30 August 2011 to 18:46, 1 September 2011. This is the combination 6.7, which is a blend of mutable Earth and cardinal Air. The pattern Sun in Virgo and Moon in Libra (6.7) mixes Virgo’s efficiency, purification, selection and service with Libra’s balance, gentleness, harmony and diplomacy.
This binary bestows objectivity, impartiality and equilibrium. It allows the capacity to invest huge amounts of energy in order to create pragmatic reconciliation and unity in relationships and between polarities. In this context 6.7 can be very neutral, impersonal and detached, to the extent that partners may disappear from sight once reconciliation has occurred. 6.7’s loving passion is inspired by, and promotes, connections based on service, healing and work (for example, managing a healing centre with a partner) or services based on relationships (for example, running a matrimonial agency).
This is part of some guidance I received about 6.7:
This is part of some guidance I received about 6.7:
“Work relentlessly and keep cleaning. This is your work. Clean, yet do not get concerned about what you are cleaning, what you let go. Darkness serves a sacred task and can only be directed towards your Guide. Continue to do this cleaning work and be constant. It is not your task to deal with darkness. Darkness is dealt with by your Guide. All you need to do is to invite your Guide to do so. This is essential and it is your responsibility to call your Guide, whenever there is darkness. You uncover the darkness, yet you do not deal with it. The Guide does so, yet you need to call the Guide. The Guide deals with darkness. You deal with light, this is your task.”
The combination 6.7 also brings together two different models of relationship connected with the Venus and the Moon-Ceres approach.
In the astrological pantheon Venus is traditionally related with the sensual (Taurus) and aesthetic or harmonious (Libra) way of relating. Here Venus sponsors the attraction and sexuality necessary for procreation, yet it does not deal with the end result of pregnancy and mothering, which are functions pertaining to the domain of the Moon and Ceres.
Venus is the bona fide horny bit[1] employed by the Moon and Ceres in order to pursuit their tasks.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
6.6 - Sun in Virgo and Moon in Virgo (New Moon in Virgo)
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Glyph for New Moon in Virgo |
New Moon in Virgo: From 18.13 GMT, 29 August 2011 to 18.25 GMT, 30 August 2011 both the Sun and the Moon are in Virgo. This is the time when the two luminaries are conjunct - i.e. when from Earth the Sun and Moon appear to be in the same part of the sky - which will be precisely at 3:04 GMT on Monday 29 August 2011 in 5° Virgo 27’.
With this New Moon, the previous cycle started in Leo on 30 July 2011 ends and the lunar cycle based on Virgo begins. Each lunar cycle starts with the New Moon, reaches its climax with the Full Moon and ends with the next New Moon.
The sign where the Moon is located at the initial New Moon determines the energy and Intent of the entire cycle. Hence, with this New Moon in Virgo, the whole lunar cycle may be characterised by Virgo topics such as efficiency, healing, pragmatism, purification, selection, service, etc.
The previous New Moon set in motion a cycle based on Leo’s traditional associations with the heart and solar plexus. Here the questions were: “What allows me to open my heart and respond to its calling? What brightens up my eyes with love and passion? What am I called to express, create and display in the drama of life? What can I generously and playfully dispense to the world?” Leo is related to the Sun and reminds us that we are stars, unique beings with a role to play on the stage of existence.
The point where the previous New Moon fell in your natal chart (7° Leo 16’) gave clue on the point where the show started for you. The following Full Moon in Aquarius shed light on the areas where risk could be taken in the above respect. This New Moon in Virgo shifts the attention on the details and the pragmatic implications aimed at supporting the previous developments.
The degree of the New Moon, or Lunation point, indicates an area of life that will operate as Intent and driving force during the next cycle. In this New Moon it is 5° Virgo 27’. Astrologically this position is first identified in the natal chart by noticing in which house of your chart is located and if there are planets nearby. The next step involves establishing a direct rapport with the Lunation Point by positioning in the corresponding Sector, staying there for at least five minutes and opening up to what comes to your mind, emotions and body, taking note of whatever calls attention, no matter how trivial or distracting.
6.5 - Sun in Virgo and Moon in Leo
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Glyph for 6.5 |
6.5: This binary mixes Virgo’s efficiency, purification, selection and service with Leo’s vitality, creativity and leadership. Those who align with this combination receive the capacity of operating as meticulous workers or devoted servants, while at the same time functioning as stars or leaders, either in the sheer limelight or slightly in the background. They cherish grandiose schemes in their hearts, yet holding the determination to work painstakingly in order to attain them. Their attitude to work is in the main playful, radiant and creative, emanating huge power and purity, making them a great source of attraction and inspiration.
This binary comes right before the New Moon in Virgo (6.6), celebrating the climax of assimilation and release that precedes the upcoming lunation. Hence, this combination involves an attentive activity of discrimination between what is valuable and what is not valuable according to one’s pragmatic intent.
This is a crucial time aimed at making sure that all the residues and resources of the previous cycle are completely dealt with so as to sustain the imminent Virgo lunation. The way of carrying out this task is provided by the interaction of Virgo and Leo, which is physically reflected in the relation between intestine and heart.
With 6.5 it is helpful to let Leo play a significant role in the process by making the work light-hearted, creative, pleasant, entertaining or, if necessary, even dramatic and ritualistic. This makes it an ideal time for celebrating a Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone.
Friday, 19 August 2011
5.2 - Sun in Leo and Moon in Taurus
5/2 – Leo/Taurus
Binary Number: 50
Slash (5.2) English/American guitarist (Guns N' Roses)
Pina Bausch (5.2.5, Pluto Power) modern dance choreographer
Karl Popper (5.2) Austrian/British philosopher
Paul Belmondo (5.2) sculptor
Republic of Ireland
L1 System Division: Region D5-2 consists of one State System (
Limerick : Limerick [1st: St John’s Cathedral, RC Diocese of Limerick , pP]; Bruff [1st: Lough Gur, 2000BC, 52° 30′ 58.97″ N, 8° 31′ 59.8″ W]
Waterford : Waterford [1st: Most Holy Trinity Cathedral, RC Diocese of Waterford and Lismore]
Galway : Galway [1st: Galway Cathedral, RC Diocese of Galway ]; Loughrea [1st: Cathedral, RC Diocese of Clonfert]; Tuam [1st: Tuam Cathedral, RC Province of Tuam ]
Sligo : Sligo [1st: Sligo Cathedral, RC Diocese of Elphin; 2nd: Crevykeel, Cairn, 4000BC; Knocknarea; Keshcorran]
Leinster , Offaly, Westmeath, Laois
5-2-5 RADIO (Radio), R.Surasu
Munster , Tipperary , Waterford , Limerick
5-2-6 EMBRYO (Embryo), R.Suraks
Munster , Cork , Kerry, Clare,
5-2-7 HARMAYO, R.Suraat, Papillary Muscle
Connacht , Galway , Mayo
5-2-11 ROYAL HARDO, R.Suraur
Ulster , Monaghan, Cavan,
5-2-12 RED DOORKNOB, Mahe Rahe Hardo, R.Surata
Leinster , Meath, Louth, Westmeath
Binary Number: 50
Degrees: 22½-25° Leo
Aspect: square
Moon Phase: waning gibbous
Binary Spirit: Surahim Rata
In the Astroshamanic Binary System Sun in Leo (5) and Moon in Taurus (2) constitute Binary 5.2, or Binary number 50.
This is a determined blend of fixed fire and fixed earth. The combination of Sun in Leo and Moon in Taurus allows the energy of the Sun - with all its creativity, exuberance, playfulness, generosity, and majesty - to be firmly grounded in the practical reality.
When you align with this binary you become potent and pragmatic, gaining the capacity to venture into enterprises requiring solid leadership and unbending focus.
5.2 shapes natural masters who know how to lovingly draw people and resources in order to get things done, generally in the best possible way.
Astroshamanic Seal: a triangular shape pointing downwards with two wrists and hands on the upper part. It portrays a cone of fire burning.
Celebrities with 5.2
The three numbers in brackets indicate the Astroshamanic Trinity System and are given only when the ascendant of the celebrity is available. The first two numbers are the same for all the listed celebrities, since they refer to the given binary, while the third and last number is the ascendant. The numbers correspond to the zodiac sign in their natural order: 1 Aries, 2 Taurus, 3 Gemini, 4 Cancer, 5 Leo, 6 Virgo, 7 Libra, 8 Scorpio, 9 Sagittarius; 10 Capricorn, 11 Aquarius, 12 Pisces. The following terms applied to planets correspond to the details given in brackets: Power (conjunct the Sun), Vessel (conjunct the Moon), Instrument (conjunct the Ascendant), Flower (conjunct the Midheaven), Root (conjunct the Immum Coeli).
Carl Jung (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961 ), Sun in Leo, Moon in Taurus and Ascendant in Aquarius (5.2.11), Pluto Vessel.
Aldous Huxley (Godalming, Surrey, UK, 26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963), Sun in Leo, Moon in Taurus and Ascendant in Gemini (5.2.3),
John Dryden, (5.2.10), English poet (1631-1700). Author of King Arthur or, The British Worthy (Z. 628)
Edoardo Bennato (Italian singer, songwriter, 5.2, July 23, 1946)
King George IV of the United Kingdom (5.2) (1762-1830)
Bob Smith, (5.2) American founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (1879-1950). Smith was married to Anne Ripley Smith, who played a vital role in the development of the 12 steps of AA.
Alexandre Dumas, père, (5.2.5) French writer (1802-1870)
Abbé Pierre, (5.2.7, Neptune Flower, Uranus Root) French Catholic priest (1912-2007). French Catholic priest, founder of the Emmaus movement.
Carole Bouquet, (5.2.10) French actress, born 1957
Elias Canetti, (5.2) Nobel Prize Laureate (1905-1994)
Denis Leary, (5.2.10) American comedian and actor, born 1957
Sandi Griffiths, (5.2.2) American singer, The Lawrence Welk Show, born 1945
Sergey Brin, (5.2) Co-founder of Google, born 1973
Hayden Panettiere, (5.2) American actress, model and singer, born 1989
David Crosby, (5.2.1) American musician, born 1941
Bruce Dickinson, (5.2) English singer (Iron Maiden). The Chemical Wedding, born 1958
John Dryden, (5.2.10) English poet (1631-1700)
Bill Clinton, (5.2.7) 42nd President of the United States, born 1946
George Bernard Shaw, (5.2.3) Irish writer, Nobel Laureate (1856-1950)
Mick Jagger, (5.2.3) English singer (The Rolling Stones), born 1943
Alessandra Belloni (5.2.10, Chiron Instrument), singer, percussionist, born 24/07/1954
Slash (5.2) English/American guitarist (Guns N' Roses)
Ian Anderson (5.2.6, Saturn-Pluto Power) Scottish musician (Jethro Tull)
Pina Bausch (5.2.5, Pluto Power) modern dance choreographer
Karl Popper (5.2) Austrian/British philosopher
Paul Belmondo (5.2) sculptor
Subdivision name
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Location: Western Europe, occupying five-sixths of the island of Ireland in the North Atlantic Ocean, west of Great Britain
Geographical Centre: 53° 00’N, 8° 00’W
Area: 70273 sq km
Terrain: mostly level to rolling interior plain surrounded by rugged hills and low mountains; sea cliffs on west coast
Elevation extremes: Highest point: Carrauntoohil 1041 m
Duad Degree: 22½-25° Leo
Decanate Sign/Ruler: Aries/Mars
Stargate Link: Omicron Leonis, or Subra, 24° Leo 15’ (2000), Leo
L1 System Division: Region D5-2 consists of one State System (Republic of Ireland ). The Republic of Ireland consists of 34 "county-level" counties and cities (Rank 1). Ireland is also divided into four traditional provinces, with no current legal status, yet often used in various contexts. These four provinces are used in the tables above and below, bearing in mind that Ulster here excludes Northern Ireland . These four provinces are used in the PTU tables, bearing in mind that Ulster here excludes Northern Ireland . Ireland is further divided into boroughs and towns (Rank 2).
Power Sites: Many sites are closely linked with major multidimensional events and the activity of Lower Earth, with which the inhabitants of Ireland , and those who have related ancestral connections, have a special link. Various sites are also related with the emergence of the Tuatha Dé Danann, who landed in Ireland on Beltane (1 May) at Sliabh an Iarainn (The Iron Mountains) in Co. Leitrim D5-2-8
Earth Grid Intersection Points: 2IP-Callas (Cork , Ireland ) D5-2-6 BalL11-55, YanL21-31, 51° 56’ 14” N, 8° 40’ 54” W
Earth Grid Lines: YinL49-14, YanL21-31
Sacred Cone Sites: D5-2-4 Clonmacmoise; D5-2-12 Hill of Tara
Sacred Cone Gems: D5-2-4 Clonmacmoise
D5-2-1 LEINSTER , Carlow, Kildare, Wicklow
Carlow: Carlow [1st: Carlow Cathedral, RC Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin]
Kildare: Kildare [1st: St Brigid’s Cathedral, 500, CI Diocese of Meath and Kildare, 53° 9′ 31″ N, 6° 55′ 2″ W]
D5-2-2 LEINSTER , Dublin
Dublin: Dublin [S2] [1st: Christ Church Cathedral, CI Archdiocese of Dublin, pR; St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, RC Province of Dublin, seat Primate of Ireland, pA; St Patrick’s Cathedral, Protestant, Well, 1192, pR, 53° 20′ 22″ N, 6° 16′ 17″ W; 2nd: PrO Mandir, Society of Dublin] [Bernard Shaw b]
Sandymount [William Butler Yeats b]
D5-2-3 LEINSTER , Kilkenny, Wexford
Kilkenny: Kilkenny [4.1.5TE] [1st: St Mary’s Cathedral, RC Diocese of Ossory, pP]
Wexford: Wexford; Enniscorthy [1st: Enniscorthy Cathedral, RC Diocese of Fern, pP]
D5-2-4 LEINSTER , Laois, Offaly, Westmeath
Laois: Laois
Offaly: Tullamore; [1st: SCS /G Clonmacnoise, Monastic, St Ciaran, 500, 53° 19′ 26″ N, 7° 59′ 28″ W; Hardhu Portal]
Westmeath: Westmeath
D5-2-5 MUNSTER , Limerick , Tipperary , Waterford
Tipperary: Tipperary; Cashel [1st: Rock of Cashel Cathedral, ruins, Munster kings, 1100CE, 52° 31′ 12″ N, 7° 53′ 24″ W; RC Province of Cashel and Emly]
[Robert Boyle b]
D5-2-6 MUNSTER , Cork , Clare, Kerry
Cork: Cork [1st: 3km-YanL21-31; St Mary and St Anne’s Cathedral, RC Diocese of Cork and Ross; 2nd: PrO Mandir, Society of Cork]; Cobh [1st: 9km-YanL21-31, St Colman’s Cathedral, RC Diocese of Cloyne]; Drumbeg [1st: Drumbeg, Stone circle, 1400BC]; [2IP: Callas BalL11-55, YanL21-31, 51° 56’ 14” N, 8° 40’ 54” W]
Clare: Ennis [1st: St Peter and St Paul Cathedral, RC Diocese of Killaloe]; Fanore [1st: The Burren]
Kerry: Tralee
D5-2-7 CONNACHT , Galway , Mayo
Mayo: Castlebar [2km-YinL49-14]; Knock [1st: Knock Shrine, RC Shrine, Virgin Mary Apparition, 1879, 53° 46′ 59.88″ N, 8° 55′ 0.01″ W]; Ballina [1st: St Muredach’s Cathedral, RC Diocese]
D5-2-8 CONNACHT , Leitrim, Roscommon, Sligo
Leitrim: Carrick-on-Shannon; Drumshambo [1st: Sliabh an Iarainn, or Slieve Anierin, mountain, Tuatha Dé Danann landing]
Roscommon: Roscommon; Ballaghaderren [1st: Cathedral, RC Diocese of Achonry]; Tulsk [2nd: Rathcroghan]
D5-2-9 LEINSTER, Longford
Longford: Longford [1st: 4km-BalL11-55, St Mel’s Cathedral, RC Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise]
D5-2-10 ULSTER, Donegal
Donegal: Lifford; Gartan [St Columba b]; Letterkenny [1st: St Eunan’s Cathedral, RC Diocese of Raphoe]; Raphoe [1st: Beltany stone circle]
D5-2-11 ULSTER , Cavan, Monaghan
Cavan: Cavan [1st: Cavan Cathedral, RC Diocese of Kilmore]; Bailieborough [1st: Crom Cruach, 12 stones]
Monaghan: Monaghan [1st: St Macartan’s Cathedral, RC Diocese of Clogher]
D5-2-12 LEINSTER , Louth, Meath, Westmeath
Louth: Dundalk [1st: St Patrick’s Cathedral, RC Diocese of Dundalk]
Meath: Navan [1st: SCS Hill of Tara, Irish Kings, Stone of Destiny, portal 3400BC, 53° 34′ 39″ N, 6° 36′ 43″ W; St Columba’s House, 814CE]; Athboy [1st:: Hill of Ward]; Donore [2nd: Knowth, Passage graves, 3000 BC; Loughcrew, Passage grave, 3000BC, 53° 46′ 10″ N, 7° 6′ 11″ W; Newgrange, Burial mound, 3000BC, 53° 41′ 39.73″ N, 6° 28′ 30.11″ W]
Westmeath: Mullingar [1st: Christ the King Cathedral, RC Diocese of Meath]
L2 System Division: Region D5-2 is part of the Provisional Order Primary Jurisdiction of Irlanie Upradesia, and comprises the Secondary Jurisdictions of the Dabline Bhime Distria, the Korke Bhime Distria and the Uttarirlanie Bhime Distria, operated by the Dabline Samaya (Society of Dublin), the Korke Samaya (Society of Cork) and the Uttarirlanie Samaya (Society of Northern Ireland).
Primary Jurisdiction: Irlanie Upradesia (encompassing Northern Ireland and the republic of Ireland )
Corporate Authority: Irlanie Sinfaile Lodia (United Craft of Ireland ), Viri Exele Irlanie Venerande Acaria Prasada
Delegate Authority: High Delegacy of Northern Europe
Secondary Jurisdictions: three societies: Dabline (Dublin ), Uttarirlanie (Northern Ireland ), Korke (Cork ).
Haruhd Portal: H5-2, West Hardhu , Dhuam.
Hardhu Portal: D5-2-4/2-2-2, Offaly, Clonmacnoise
Handorian States Reference:
This metropolitan nation and its homonymous hero are celebrated for their mind-blowing building capacities. The whole Hartemian capital district of Hartem City and the Handorian Quoin were designed and erected primarily by Hardo folks. These colossal structures constitute a climax in whatever can be humanly conceived in terms of manifestation.
I invite you to liberate your fantasy and imagine the most outstanding and majestic building environment you can envisage. Firmly picture it in your mind, find a way to give it a shape that you can remember. Allow it to be a centre of generous unconditional power and love. Let it be a living reality in your life, as it is for me and the Hardo folks. Handor is not a personal invention. It is the apex of all human highest desires and passions. It is what truly animates every single aspect of daily life. It is irrelevant the way you call it. It is crucial the way you experience it.
Leinster, Dublin
5-2-2 ROCK HONEYCOMB, R.Surara
Leinster, Wicklow, Kildare, Carlow,
5-2-3 EGO (Ego), R.Surama
Leinster, Kilkenny, Wexford,
5-2-4 ECHO (Echo), R.Suraqu
5-2-8 ROSCOMIO, R.Suraha
Connacht, Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon,
5-2-9 RED PATIO (Red Patio), R.Surani
Leinster, Longford
5-2-10 EAST HARDO, Rata Sahe Hardo, R.Surasa
Ulster, Donegal
© Franco Santoro, Cluny Hill College, Forres IV36 2RD, UK,
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