Here I would like to deal a bit with Astroshamanic Binaries and what it
truly means to align with them.
Please be aware that what I am handling in
these writings is not conventional astrology in the way it is often shallowly
perceived. Astrology, together with other aspects of Western or Mediterranean shamanism and magic, is still
largely ridiculed, misunderstood or downplayed.
The current human predominant culture, which in astroshamanic jargon we call Human Arbitrary Configuration (HAC), is in fundamental denial of shamanic states of
consciousness and our true authentic self, or Core Multidimensional Identity (CMI).
HAC is also in denial of a most controversial part, which we strategically call the bona fide horny bit, i.e. the direct link
between our separated human identity with the Core Multidimensional Identity. Since the connection with that bit is essential for the survival of the Human Arbitrary Configuration itself, it is essential to guarantee exposure to
the bit without unveiling its
veritable nature.
The way in which shamanism has developed in the past decades
in the western world mainly serve this purpose. An example is the tendency of
holding in deep reverence and respect exotic forms of shamanism, while
despising or ignoring the applications that are part of our own personal or
collective immediate environment. This is a major contradiction for the basic
principle of shamanism involves having a direct, both pragmatic and visionary,
rapport with everyday reality. Such reality includes the beings, the resources,
the natural as well as the artificial or urban environment that surrounds us.
These are our disregarded authentic psychotropic substances, providing the
entire perception of our human realities.
Astroshamanism is an attempt to unveil this immediate web of
life and uncover its hidden psychoactive effect. In this context the ingestion
of hallucinatory substances far from being an exceptional event is part of our
daily routine. It happens while I am having breakfast, drinking coffee, eating
a bar of chocolate, smoking a cigarette, watching television, reading a book,
chatting in a pub, and doing most ordinary things. This does not mean that
assuming substances conventionally identified as psychotropic or hallucinatory
is not useful. Again it is a matter of Intent. If my purpose is to access the
core multi-dimensional identity I may get some benefit from them, as long as I
am then willing to uncover the profuse and unconscious psychotropic effects of
my daily routine, which are actually those who generate the reality I believe
to be in.
Binaries are the psychoactive matrixes of human separated
reality. They are the emanation point of all the ordinary and less ordinary substances
and devices that alter human mood, behaviour, perception, or mental
functioning. In advanced astroshamanism binaries are ingested as core
psychoactive essences.
Their intake is a vibratory experience occurring either
through natural voluntary exposure (when the condition of the binary are
spontaneously generated by the environment, for example: during the days of the
related Sun-Moon combination, by moving through a location that is aligned with
a given binary, etc.) or virtual voluntary exposure (when the binary is
purposefully selected by the recipient through the access to the Binary Net,
i.e. by binary positioning in the Sacred Circle, using binary drumming or
chanting, etc.). The above is just a strategic trigger. More will follow
experientially on this topic in upcoming workshops and events.
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